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- WarpUp hardware driver protocol version 1
- © 4.2.1998 HAAGE&PARTNER Gmbh
- Written by Sam Jordan
- $VER: WarpHW.txt 1.0 (4.2.98)
- -----------------------------------------
- 1. Introduction
- ---------------
- This document describes the WarpUp hardware driver protocol which allows
- anyone to write driver software for PowerPC hardware supporting the
- WarpUp-HAL for dual processor systems.
- The WarpUp-HAL was splitted up since version 3 into two parts, the main
- HAL (warp.library) and the hardware driver (warpHW.library). The warp.library
- now opens the warpHW.library and calls its functions to get control over
- the specific hardware. Note that the hardware drivers only work with
- warp.library version 3 and higher.
- Every hardware which provides a driver named 'warpHW.library' will work with
- the WarpUp-HAL (and therefore with WarpOS). These different libraries can
- be distinguished by the tool program 'GetDriverInfo' which prints out the
- identification string and the largest protocol number supported. This tool
- should always be found with this documentation together. Just run it and
- it will print out the information, if the warpHW.library was found.
- 2. Requirements
- ---------------
- To write a WarpUp hardware driver you need a 68K C compiler, a PPC C compiler
- supporting WarpUp and a linker which can deal with the extended hunk format.
- StormC supports all this and other compilers might support it in future.
- Of course, it's possible to write the driver completely in assembler, but
- better use C instead.
- The WarpHW.library is a mixed shared library, since it provides functions
- for the 68K side and the PowerPC side.
- 3. API notes
- ------------
- This document describes the protocol version 1, which is the first version
- released. If anyone needs more API functions because of special hardware
- features or for other reasons, this protocol will be enhanced and new
- versions will be released. In this case it's very likely that the HAL itself
- must be updated to support the new API. But older hardware drivers will work
- without modification, since the WarpUp-HAL will ask the driver for the maximal
- protocol version which is supported.
- Anyone which requires enhancements to the protocol should contact us, the
- appropriate links can be found at the bottom of this document.
- 4. Template
- -----------
- In the directory there is a template for a new hardware driver which should
- be helpful for development. You will find the following files of importance:
- - WarpHW.¶ : 68K-Storm-Project, which is the main project here
- - WarpHW_PPC.¶ : PPC-Storm-Project, which is a subproject of WarpHW.¶
- - WarpHW.c : C source compiled for 68K, containing the 68K API
- functions
- - WarpHW_PPC.c : C source compiled for PPC, containing the PPC API
- functions
- - WarpHW_68K.s : A small 68K assembler function to perform NOP
- synchronisation
- - WarpHW_PPC_asm.p : Some small PPC assembler functions to perform ISYNC/SYNC
- synchronisation and to provide some important
- functions for the linker.
- - WarpHW_lib.fd : The FD file for the WarpHW.library
- First compile the PPC project to gain the object files 'WarpHW_PPC.o' and
- 'WarpHW_PPC_asm.o'. Afterwards add those object files to the 68K project
- and compile the main project. Finally link everything together to a
- shared library.
- Important Note: Never create a Storm-Project with 'Mixed Binary' option
- to write a hardware driver. This can't work because of callbacks to the
- powerpc.library/warp.library in the library initialisation of the
- warpHW.library. It's the best way to take the template project and to
- add the code.
- 5. Protocol description
- -----------------------
- This chapter discusses the interaction between the WarpUp-HAL and the
- hardware drivers.
- a) Evaluating the address of the PowerPC exception area
- The WarpUp-HAL needs the location of the PowerPC exception area and
- therefore calls the WarpHW API function 'InitBootArea'. This function
- must return this location and should set up the hardware so that the
- address space of the exception area (starting from 0xfff00000) is
- mapped to the real location. This mapping can't be done by the MMU
- since the exception area is located at physical address 0xfff00000.
- Hardware logic should perform this mapping.
- The exception area has to be located in writeable address space. The
- API function is allowed to allocate the required memory. Note
- that the exception area has to be aligned on a 64KB boundary and
- must be at least 64KB large.
- Note that the first 256 bytes of the exception area space are
- reserved for the WarpUp HAL itself.
- b) Resetting the PowerPC
- After step a) the reset exception routine is prepared and some fields
- of the exception area are initialized. After that, the PowerPC is
- reset by calling the WarpHW API function 'BootPowerPC'. This function
- should initialize all hardware registers and reset the PPC
- processor which should start execution at 0xfff00100, where the
- reset routine is located.
- c) Causing the PowerPC interrupt
- On dual processor systems, the WarpUp-HAL needs the possibility to
- cause an external PPC interrupt by the 68K processor. In this case
- the WarpHW API function 'CauseInterrupt' is called. This function
- should drive the INT signal of the PPC to active state. The signal
- should be kept in active state, until the interrupt was confirmed
- by the PPC interrupt handler (by calling 'ConfirmInterrupt', see
- below).
- d) Confirming the PowerPC interrupt
- After an external interrupt was caused from the 68K side, the
- PowerPC enters into the external interrupt handler. This handler
- calls the WarpHW API function 'ConfirmInterrupt' to confirm the
- interrupt. This function should drive the INT signal to inactive
- state.
- 6. API description
- ------------------
- This chapter dicusses the API functions in more detail. For better
- readability, they are written in autodoc format.
- Note, that all API functions should preserve the smalldata base. Use
- the keyword __saveds in the function declaration or use the template
- sources.
- Also note, that you can use the functions 'sync' (68K) and
- 'syncPPC' (PPC) to perform memory/command synchronisation. 'sync'
- executes one NOP instruction, 'syncPPC' an ISYNC/SYNC pair. Both
- functions can be found in the template project as assembler sources.
- If the appropriate objects are present, just take them and link with
- the other objects.
- warpHW.library/GetDriverID warpHW.library/GetDriverID
- GetDriverID - returns a driver identification string (V1)
- 680x0
- Yes
- IDstring = GetDriverID(void)
- d0
- char* GetDriverID(void)
- This function returns a string identifying this WarpUp hardware
- driver. The string should be of the following format:
- "WarpUp hardware driver for <hardware identification>"
- The hardware identification must be unique across several
- PPC hardware.
- IDstring - The identification string of this WarpUp hardware driver
- warpHW.library/SupportedProtocol warpHW.library/SupportedProtocol
- SupportedProtocol - returns the max. protocol version supported (V1)
- 680x0
- Yes
- Version = SupportedProtocol(void)
- d0
- int SupportedProtocol(void)
- This function returns a version number telling the WarpUp HAL the
- highest driver protocol version which is supported by this driver.
- This function exists for backward compatibility, so that the WarpUp
- HAL won't call functions which don't exist in older hardware drivers.
- Version - The max. driver protocol version number supported
- warpHW.library/InitBootArea warpHW.library/InitBootArea
- InitBootArea - evaluates the address of the PowerPC exception area (V1)
- 680x0
- Yes
- ExcArea = InitBootArea(void)
- d0
- void *InitBootArea(void)
- This function returns the address of the PowerPC exception area.
- This area must be in writeable address space and must be aligned
- to a 64KB boundary and must be at least 64KB large.
- The function should setup the hardware so that it maps the
- physical address space of the exception area (starting with address
- 0xfff00000) to the real location of the exception area.
- This function can allocate the memory itself and doesn't have to
- care for memory freeing.
- ExcArea - Address of the PowerPC exception area
- warpHW.library/BootPowerPC warpHW.library/BootPowerPC
- BootPowerPC - resets the PowerPC (V1)
- 680x0
- Yes
- void BootPowerPC(void)
- void BootPowerPC(void)
- This function resets the PowerPC processor which should start
- execution at physical address 0xfff00100, where the reset
- routine was installed by the WarpUp HAL.
- In this function, all hardware registers which require initialization,
- should be initialized.
- warpHW.library/CauseInterrupt warpHW.library/CauseInterrupt
- CauseInterrupt - trigger the PowerPC' external interrupt (V1)
- 680x0
- Yes
- void CauseInterrupt(void)
- void CauseInterrupt(void)
- This function causes a PowerPC external interrupt. It should
- drive the INT signal of the PowerPC to active state and should
- keep it active, until the interrupt was confirmed from the PPC
- side (see 'ConfirmInterrupt')
- warpHW.library/ConfirmInterrupt warpHW.library/ConfirmInterrupt
- ConfirmInterrupt - confirms the external interrupt (V1)
- PowerPC
- Yes
- void ConfirmInterrupt(void)
- void ConfirmInterrupt(void)
- This function is called from the WarpUp-HAL in the external
- interrupt exception handler to confirm the interrupt. The
- function should drive the INT signal to inactive state.
- This function is called with data cache frozen, therefore
- any accesses which don't hit the cache are noncachable.
- And the hardware registers should never be located in the
- cache, since they are never accessed outside of
- 'ConfirmInterrupt' by the PowerPC.
- 7. Contact addresses
- --------------------
- regular mail: eMail:
- HAAGE&PARTNER GmbH s.jordan@haage-partner.com
- Mainzer Starße 10A
- 61191 Rosbach
- Tel: 06007/930050
- Fax: 06007/7543